New Event Announced! “Storm Warning” Coming Aug 30 – Sept 3!

Top of the morning!

Captain Harlock, the official Battle Pirates spokesman on Facebook, has just created a new event called Storm Warning. It will run from August 30 to September 3. There are currently no details on what this event is or what kinds of fleets we’ll need.

I will note that, as of this posting, there is no official announcement on the forums. However, Captain Harlock’s page has always created the event well before the announcement and only once has one of his events been re-scheduled. That’s good enough for me to consider it to be pretty reliable.

With regards to the Tactical Lab, I will be finished upgrading it to level 4 within the next couple of days. That leaves me just enough time to research the first level of either Engine Disruptor or Microwave Dampener and equip it on an Arbiter before the event starts. Personally, I’m going to go for the Microwave Dampener since I have SW fleets that can kite pretty much anything the Dracs can throw at me so I don’t think I’ll need to slow them down.

As more event details become known, I’ll update again with some of my preliminary strategy ideas.

Until next time,

— Andrew

UPDATE: The following information has now been posted on the Facebook event page. Starting to sound similar to the Wild Monster Invasion events from Backyard Monsters:

“New Draconian leader Greta Spader is out for blood. Although our intel is limited, we’ve confirmed she possesses a brilliant military mind and an insatiable appetite for destruction. Construction recently finished on a large vessel capable of releasing, and controlling, waves of drones into open waters to do its evil bidding. You must destroy these ships before the drones can get to you. Join the fight 8/30!

Storm Warning Start Times:**

Sectors 1-100: 9am PST
Sectors 101-200: 10am PST
Sectors 201-300: 11am PST
Sectors 301-400: 12pm PST
Sectors 400+: 1pm PST

**All players will have 96 hours to play Storm Warning”

UPDATE 2: Swag has posted the official announcement on the forums with the following to say:

“The Draconians have a new commander leading their operations. Greta Spader has risen through the ranks and has her own plans for conquest. The brand new event, Storm Warning, begins on August 30th. Your skill in fleet vs fleet combat is about to be put to the ultimate test.”

Judging from this new information, the event will not involve Dracs attacking our bases. There may still be multiple waves to defeat but it’s sounding like it will all be FvF. If so, the Engine Disruptor will probably be very useful. In fact, I may even change my mind and go for that instead of the Microwave Dampener. I still have a couple days to make up my mind and we might have more information by then. I’ll keep you guys posted.

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